1. AOP

1.1 Two Main Problems

  • Code Tangling:

    • For a given method: addAccount(...)

    • We have logging and security code tangled in

  • Code Scattering

    • If we need to change logging or security code

    • We have to update All classes

1.2 Aspect-Oriented Programming

  • Programming technique based on concept of an Aspect

  • Aspect encapsulate cross-cutting concerns

  • "Concern" means logic/functionality

1.3 Aspects

  • Aspect can be reused at multiple locations

  • Same aspect/class ... applied based on configuration

1.4 Benefits of AOP

  • Code for Aspect is defined in a single class

    • Much better than being scattered everywhere

    • Promotes code reuse and easier to change

  • Business code in your application is cleaner

    • Only applies to business functionality: addAccount

    • Reduces code complexity

  • Configurable

    • Based on configuration, apply Aspects selectively to different parts of app

    • No need to make changes to main application code ... very important!

1.5 Additional AOP Use Cases

  • Most common

    • logging, security, transactions

  • Audit logging

    • who, what, when, where

  • Exception handling

    • log exception and notify DevOps team via SMS/email

  • API Management

    • how many times has a method been called user

    • analytics: what are peak times? what is average load? who is top user?

1.6 Advantages and Disadvantages



Reusable modules

Too many aspects and app flow is hard to follow

Resolve code tangling

Minor performance cost for aspect execution(run-time weaving)

Resolve code scatter

Applied selectively based on configuration

1.7 Terminology

  • Aspect: module of code for a cross-cutting concern(logging, security,...)

  • Advice: what action is taken and when it should be applied

  • Join Point: When to apply code during program execution

  • Pointcut: A predicate expression for where advice should be applied

Advice Types:

  • Before advice

  • After finally advice

  • After returning advice

  • After throwing advice

  • Around advice

1.8 Two kinds of AOP

Spring AOP Support

  • Spring provides AOP support

  • Key component of Spring

    • Security, transactions, caching etc

  • Uses run-time weaving of aspects


  • Original AOP framework, released in 2001

  • Provides complete support for AOP

  • Rich support for

    • join points: method-level, constructor, field

    • code weaving: compile-time, post compile-time and load-time

Spring AOP VS AspectJ:

Spring AOP


Implemented in pure Java

Implemented using extensions of Java programming language

No need for separate compilation process

Needs AspectJ compiler (ajc) unless LTW is set up

Only runtime weaving is available

Runtime weaving is not available. Supports compile-time, post-compile, and load-time Weaving

Less Powerful – only supports method level weaving

More Powerful – can weave fields, methods, constructors, static initializers, final class/methods, etc…

Can only be implemented on beans managed by Spring container

Can be implemented on all domain objects

Supports only method execution pointcuts

Support all pointcuts

Proxies are created of targeted objects, and aspects are applied on these proxies

Aspects are weaved directly into code before application is executed (before runtime)

Much slower than AspectJ

Better Performance

Easy to learn and apply

Comparatively more complicated than Spring AOP

  • Spring AOP is a light implementation of AOP

  • Solves common problems in enterprise applications

Start with Spring AOP ... easy to get started with, if you have complex requirements then move to AspectJ.

1.9 Spring AOP Roadmap

  • Create Aspects

  • Develop Advices

    • Before, After returning, After throwing

    • After finally, Around

  • Create Pointcut expressions

  • Apply it to our big CRM project (Spring MVC + Hibernate)

2. AOP: Pointcut

An aspect is a modularization of a concern that cuts across multiple classes. Unified logging can be an example of such cross-cutting concern.

A Joinpoint is a point during the execution of a program, such as execution of a method or the handling of an exception.

In Spring AOP, a _JoinPoint _always represents a method execution.

A Pointcut is a predicate that helps match an Advice _to be applied by an _Aspect _at a particular_JoinPoint.

The Advice is often associated with a Pointcut expression and runs at any Joinpoint matched by the Pointcut.

An advice is an action taken by an aspect at a particular Joinpoint. Different types of advice include“around”, “before” and “after” advice.

In Spring, an Advice is modeled as an interceptor, maintaining a chain of interceptors around the Joinpoint.

2.1 execution pointcuts

  • Applies to execution of methods

execution(modifiers-pattern? return-type-pattern declaring-type-pattern? method-name-pattern(param-pattern) throws-pattern?)

  • modifiers-pattern: (Spring AOP only supports public or *)

  • The pattern is optional if it has "?"

  • For the patterns, can use wildcard: * (matches on everything)

3.Add AOP logging to this project

3.1. Step

  1. Add AspectJ Jar file to web project

  2. Enable AspectJ Auto Proxy

  3. Create Aspect

  4. Add logging support

  5. Setup pointcut delclarations

  6. Add @Before advice

  7. Add @AfterReturning advice

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