

1. Overview

This annotation allows Spring to resolve and inject collaborating beans into your bean.

2.Autowire Disambiguation

2.1 Autowiring by @Qualifier

The @Qualifier annotation can be used to hint at and narrow down the required bean:


public class FooService{
    private Formatter formatter;

2.2 read the property file for the qualifier name


public class TestController{

    private String name;
    private JdbcTemplate jtm;

    public void setJdbcTemplate(ApplicationContext context){
        jmt = (JdbcTemplate)context.getBean(name);


Although both @Qualifier and bean name fallback match can be used to narrow down to a specific bean, autowiring is really all about injection by type and this is how best to use this container feature.

4. Difference between @Resource, @Autowired and @Inject

private Car volkswagen;

private Car volkswagen;

private Car volkswagen;

In the above code, @Resource works fine. But, @Autowired and @Injects throws the following exception.

No matching bean of type [javabeat.net.basics.Car] found for dependency:
expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this dependency.
Dependency annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true),

The main difference is that, @Autowired and @Inject works similar for 100% without any differentiation.These two annotations using AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor to inject dependencies. But,@Resource uses CommonAnnotationBeanPostProcessor to inject dependencies and there is difference in the order of checking.

@Autowired and @Inject

1.Matches by Type

2.Restricts by Qualifires

3. Matches by Name


  1. Matches by Name

  2. Matches by Type

  3. Restricts by Qualifiers(ignored if match is found by name)

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